決勝百家樂娛樂城算牌 百家樂娛樂城預測 百家樂娛樂城分析程式

決勝預測系統 登入網址在最下方,請耐心看完教學
Decisive Winning Prediction System The login URL is at the bottom, please be patient to finish the teaching

How is the program predicted?

系 統 採 用 大 數 據 分 析,大 數 據 加 入 電 腦 後 再 經由 電 腦 生成 開 牌 結 果,使 用 團 隊 研 發 多 套計 算 公 式 , 再 進 行 演 算 取 平 衡 度 最 佳 的 一 組 計 算 公 式 來 加 入 系 統 使 用。
The system uses big data analysis. After the big data is added to the computer, the card opening result is generated through the computer. The team is used to develop multiple sets of calculation formulas, and then the calculation is performed to obtain the most balanced set of calculation formulas for use.

預 測 功 能 介 紹

使 用 辦 法
How to do it

1. 設 定 最 低 的 下 注 金 額
1.Set the minimum betting stack

2.設 定 獲 利 點 ( 每 局 設 定 最 低 下 注 額 的 7 ~ 1 5 倍 效 果 最 佳 )
Set a profit point (7 to 15 times the minimum bet per round is the best result)

3.設 定 停 損 點 ( 內 有 設 置 保 贏 停 損 設 置,建 議 設 定 每 局 設 定 最 低 下 注 額 的 2 ~ 5 倍 )
Set the stop loss point (there is a set stop loss setting for guaranteed wins, and it is recommended to set the minimum bet amount for each round 2 ~ 5 times)

4.設 定 是 否 預 測 和 局 對 子
4.Set whether to predict and match

5.開 局 輸 入 前 1 0 局 刷 至 勝 率 5 0 % 以 上 以 後 , 再 輸 入 一 局 按 下 開 始 預 測

After the first 10 rounds of the opening input are swiped to a win rate of 50% or more, enter another round and press down to start the prediction


Mode introduction

公式跟系統差在哪里 ?
What is the difference between the formula and the system?

系統預測會不斷的抓資料庫不會停止預測,百家樂娛樂城公式預測失敗時會停止預測轉為觀察,並記錄牌局,計算 出結果後重新開始預測
The system predicts that it will continue to grab the database and will not stop the prediction. When the Baccarat formula fails to predict, it will stop the prediction and switch to observation, record the game, calculate the result and restart the prediction

Continuous search

Yuzhuang and Zhuang are leisure and leisure, and stop when they jump

Predict and observe, and record the next game, calculate the result and start the prediction again, each game needs to enter the result of the game, start betting when there is a prediction

Smile mind

見莊跟莊,見閑壓閑,見跳跟跳 輸時停止預測觀察,並記錄後面牌局,計算出結果後再開始預測,每局都需輸入牌局結果有預測時在開始下注
See banker and banker, see idle pressure, see jump and jump. Stop predicting and observing when you lose, and record the next game, calculate the result before starting to predict. Each game needs to enter the result of the game and start betting when there is a prediction

Sanzhu Road:

If the prediction fails, the system database will check similar games and predict again the most likely card game. It is applicable to the case where there is no consecutive banker and more players. 4 or more hands

Single bead double way:

Single-plant and two-way prediction, banker and player, single-jump, double-jump, use six sets of BBP, BPB, BPP, PBP, PPB, and PBB to check similar hands with the database to predict the most likely hands again, and predict the three bead roads at a time, applicable In any hand, it is recommended that single jump and double jump are mostly used


Chip distribution selection instructions

Ranking of chip allocation risk (from high risk to low risk)

  • 馬丁
  • 五局八星(修正版)
  • 四局勝追
  • 均注
  • 五局八星(正規版)

Five rounds and eight stars (revised version)
Four innings
All note
Five Bureaus and Eight Stars (Regular Edition)

Chip allocation high winning rate and profit ranking (from high to low)

  • 五局八星(正規版)
  • 五局八星(修正版)
  • 四局勝追
  • 馬丁
  • 均注

Five Bureaus and Eight Stars (Regular Edition)
Five rounds and eight stars (revised version)
Four innings
All note


Introduction to traditional baccarat functions

Traditional baccarat prediction function, using card counting to make predictions

Instructions for use

1.Enter the current total number of bureaus

2.Enter the current number of banker wins

3.Enter the current number of idle wins

4.Enter the total principal


5.Set stop loss


6.Set the minimum bet amount

Table selection setting allows calculation function, adjustment formula calculation accuracy

If you don’t want to enter, you can cancel the table selection and use the non-stop adjustment formula to calculate


Input usage

Enter the banker and player of Baccarat according to the real-time card deal, no need to enter if you have not made a card (if you click the wrong card, there is no box)

After inputting, just press forecast!!


Chip distribution mode

  • 馬丁
  • 五局八星(修正版)
  • 四局勝追
  • 均注
  • 五局八星(正規版)

Five rounds and eight stars (revised version)
Four innings
All note
Five Bureaus and Eight Stars (Regular Edition)

Dragon Tiger prediction function

How to use

Enter the dragon or tiger according to the real-time licensing. Some online entertainment platforms have different dragon colors. Please pay attention

(Note that which side of the first card is dealt is entered in the dragon style, and the side that is dealt the second card is entered into the tiger)


Simulated Baccarat Function Introduction

The card game simulation function can quickly simulate the effect of each mode, and the card game simulation rule description

The card issuing rules of computer simulation betting are the same as the standard baccarat game: that is, 8 decks of poker have a total of 416 cards, randomly shuffled, then undergo 2 cuts, take out the first card, and take out the corresponding number of cards according to the suit. , The cards are officially issued and reissued according to the rules of baccarat, and the cards are issued until the second cut point. After the authorities have issued the cards, the cards are issued and the remaining cards are discarded. When the boots are over. According to this standard, each shoe card is between 68-78 rounds. All simulations are only objectively presented by big data for interest analysis.

Can simulate 1 round, 20 rounds, 50 rounds, 100 rounds at a time

Demonstration One

Simulate 100 rounds

Enter the principal, bet amount, profit point, stop loss point, betting mode, number of simulated rounds



百家樂娛樂城贏錢|百家樂娛樂城必贏方程式百家樂娛樂城贏錢公式百家樂娛樂城贏錢方法 <p>“- – + – -”和“- – – -”可以是實戰時的記錄,也可以是觀察時寫下的。但停是不計算在內的。例如:“- – 停 + – – ”,我們也當作是“- – + – -”的。</p> <div class="rightimg"></div> <p>在一張新台裡贏了三個基碼,如果不及時轉檯,就會冒著沒有牌追回已輸的數目的危險。所以,為了確保有足夠 的牌令我們反敗為勝,仍是照馮先生的教導,每張新台贏三個基碼就轉檯較好。</p> <p>與好友們談及<a href=http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/決勝百家樂娛樂城算牌預測分析程式|網頁版/"http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/">百家樂娛樂城贏錢公式賭技,在我來說,是最享受,最能夠令我學到一點東西的。

<p>朋友們問我,那一種賭技是最好的,或那一種方法可以在<a href=http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/決勝百家樂娛樂城算牌預測分析程式|網頁版/"http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/">百家樂娛樂城裡必勝,我的回答,通常都是告訴他們,條條大路通羅馬,任何賭的方法都可以令人贏錢,但也會在逆風時令人輸錢的。

<p>既然賭博的結果必是有贏有輸,那麼,我們就必須要養成忍耐的個性。遇下風時切不可以胡亂加注。務求做到輸時輸得最少,贏時贏得最穩(不可把注碼法設計成倒輸的局面,例如:1, 2 贏1後買2,但若2輸了,就會倒輸1的),要勝不驕,敗不餒。</p> <p>在賭場裡,不可以用真表情示人。切忌勝了狂喜,敗了懊惱。一個成功的賭徒,應該懂得怎樣喜怒不形於色的。</p> <p>今天我把馮先生的第三篇“<a href=http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/決勝百家樂娛樂城算牌預測分析程式|網頁版/"http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/">百家樂娛樂城贏錢公式”(續篇)公開出來,希望有興趣的網友抽空看看。謝謝你們的支持。

<p>(三)<a href=http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/決勝百家樂娛樂城算牌預測分析程式|網頁版/"http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/">百家樂娛樂城贏錢公式(續篇)

<p>公式5 使用預測方法時,如果莊閑兩方都是只開一個,則以第一次開單者為主要目標。</p> <p>例如:</p> <p>莊 莊(一開局,第一鋪開莊,所以用莊做指標,鋪鋪買莊)</p> <p>閑 (第一次開單,這裡不必考慮再前閑有沒有開過連)</p> <p>莊 (這裡只算第二次開單)</p> <p>閑 閑 (由於以”第一次開單”為優先,所以,從第二鋪起,轉移目標買閑了)</p> <p>公式6 遇到莊閑雙方均是連開,兩方相加共連續四次時(四次連開),我們就採取見乜跟買乜的策略。注碼是:以平注開始,輸一後加注買二,輸二次停。 留意用這條公式時,除反買外,所有其它公式和規則均需服從此例。</p> <p>例如:</p> <p>莊 莊 莊 (第一連)</p> <p>閑 閑 閑 (第二連)</p> <p>莊 莊 (第三連)</p> <p>閑 閑 [閑 (第四連,加上上面三個連,合共四次連開,所以,我們要由第三鋪開始,平注見乜跟買乜)</p> <p>莊 莊</p> <p>閑 閑 閑 閑 閑 (這裡也是見乜跟買乜,不能見開出三個閑,就加注跟買)</p> <p>莊 莊 莊 莊 莊 莊 莊 莊 (同樣理由,見乜跟買乜,因為所有公式、規則都要服從此例)</p> <p>閑</p> <p>莊 (這裡已經連續輸了二次,”見莊買閑,輸一鋪,再見閑買莊,又輸一鋪”)</p> <p>閑 (這一鋪停買)</p> <p>公式7 隔黐四次後跟買,但此例不得反買。 (按:反買時遇此情況,亦要服從此例。跟買之後,以最新跟買的一方為主要目標)</p> <p>例如:</p> <p>閑 閑 閑 (黐)</p> <p>莊 莊</p> <p>閑 (單)</p> <p>莊 莊</p> <p>閑 閑 閑 閑 (黐)</p> <p>莊 莊</p> <p>閑 (單,和上面的黐、單、黐一起計,合共隔黐四次,所以要由下一鋪閑開始跟買隔黐,第一注用平注)</p> <p>莊</p> <p>閑 [閑 閑 (成型後,由第二鋪起,跟買黐)</p> <p>莊 莊 (只跟買閑隔黐,莊不關事,不須買)</p> <p>閑 (這裡跟隔黐型買,所以見開了一個閑後買跳 “即要買莊” )</p> <p>莊</p> <p>閑 閑 (第二鋪跟買黐,即要買閑了)</p> <p>注意:</p> <p>1. 無論是在進行勝進或負追,每當加注成功後,立即縮回,以平注投注。</p> <p>2. 將公式相反運用,或轉移目標時,第一次即輸,就要立即停下來觀察,只做記錄,不投注,待記錄得 贏了一鋪時,方可再續投注。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3 align="left"></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><a href=http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/決勝百家樂娛樂城算牌預測分析程式|網頁版/"http://luo.uh1788.com/">百家樂娛樂城遊戲推薦&gt;&gt;御皇娛樂城 <h3><a href=http://xn--fct67gw8kp4jqqd.bet999go.com/決勝百家樂娛樂城算牌預測分析程式|網頁版/"http://luo.uh1788.com/">百家樂娛樂城手機遊戲推薦&gt;&gt;御皇娛樂城 " data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" class="wp-image-831 jetpack-lazy-image jetpack-lazy-image--handled" title="決勝預測系統" src="https://i0.wp.com/ufu88.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/13.jpg?resize=840%2C313&ssl=1" alt="決勝預測系統" width="840" height="313" data-attachment-id="831" data-permalink="https://ufu88.com/%e9%a6%96%e9%a0%81/attachment/13/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/ufu88.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/13.jpg?fit=1024%2C381&ssl=1" data-orig-size="1024,381" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="13" data-image-description="" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/ufu88.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/13.jpg?fit=300%2C112&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/ufu88.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/13.jpg?fit=840%2C313&ssl=1" data-recalc-dims="1" data-lazy-loaded="1" />



You can click on the details of each round, it will display the shuffled cards and the betting status of each round, and you can know the usage status of each combination through simulation
